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Mxxxx, thank you very much for your nice presentation. I was very impressed with your interesting research.
Based on your research, what advice would you give to Japanese TEACHERS of English at junior high school students? Pick up only one from your research.

Axxx, thank you very much for your nice presentation. I was very impressed with your interesting research.
Could you tell us why you were interested in this topic, debate class?

Nxxxx, thank you very much for your nice presentation. I was very impressed with your interesting research.
After graduation, I know you will start teaching English at junior high school somewhere in Kyoto prefecture. How would you like to use the results of your research for your job?

Cxxxx, thank you very much for your nice presentation. I was very impressed with your interesting research.
As you showed, in general Type 2 grammatical items are most difficult. For Japanese high school students, what advice can you give? Should they give up learning prepositions? Or is there any good way to deal with prepositions?

One more question to Cxxxx ... (if there is time)

After graduation, I know you will teach Japanese in Australia. How would you like to use the results of your research for your job starting this April?

Yxxx, thank you very much for your nice presentation. I was very impressed with your interesting research.
As you showed, teacher has a big influence on learning English for foreign language learners.
After graduation, I know you will start teaching English at junior high school somewhere in Nara prefecture. How would you like to use the results of your research for your job starting this April?

Mxxx, thank you very much for your nice presentation. I was very impressed with your interesting research.
After graduation, how would you like to use the results of your research for yourself? For example, how can people improve confidence in speaking English in a working situation like a company?

Nxxxx, thank you very much for your nice presentation. I was very impressed with your interesting research.
Based on your research, to make students enjoy English class, what advice would you give to Japanese TEACHERS of English at junior high school? Give them one advice.

Mxxx, thank you very much for your nice presentation. I was very impressed with your interesting research.
You proposed that for Japanese students who have a big gap, they need to achieve some small tasks, step by step to bridge the gap. For that purpose, what small task should be the first task to be given, in the case of junior high school students?

Rxxx, thank you very much for your nice presentation. I was very impressed with your interesting research.
You showed us the results of participants of Japanese majors. Their motivation remains in simple instrumental motivation. They might be the typical example of average Japanese people. Based on your research, how can we change their image of English?

Sxxx, thank you very much for your nice presentation. I was very impressed with your interesting research.
It is a very interesting result, indeed. Like Australian participants, how can Japanese students have more positive attitudes toward using English?

One more question
After graduation, I know you will teach Japanese in Australia. How would you like to use the research results for your job starting this April?

Rxxx, thank you very much for your nice presentation. I was very impressed with your interesting research.
Based on your research, to make students have more successful experience, what advice would you give to Japanese junior high school students in Japan?

One more question to Rxxx
Could you tell us why you were interested in this topic in relation to your twin sister

Axxx, thank you very much for your nice presentation. I was very impressed with your interesting research.
It is a very interesting result, indeed. Could you tell us why you were interested in this topic?

One more question to Axxx
If you suggest one movie for learning English with English subtitle, what movie would you recommend

Mxxx, thank you very much for your nice presentation. I was very impressed with your interesting research.
It is an interesting result. Could you explain more about affable learning environment? What is important for making the affable learning environment?

Hxxx, thank you very much for your nice presentation. I was very impressed with your interesting research.
After graduation, I know you will teach Japanese in Australia. How would you like to use the research results for your job starting this April?

Nxxx, thank you very much for your nice presentation. I was very impressed with your interesting research.
After graduation, I know you will start teaching English at junior high school somewhere in Sakai-shi. How would you like to use the results of your research for your job starting this April?

Mxxx, thank you very much for your nice presentation. I was very impressed with your interesting research.
You showed us the unique aspect of confidence. After graduation, how can you use this result of your research for yourself?

Hxxx, thank you very much for your nice presentation. I was very impressed with your interesting research.
According to your research, what can we or Japanese people learn from Asian college students?






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