
SSK (SunnySide of Kyoto)(+96/461)

One of the good things about Japan is that we can eat delicious sushi at inexpensive price. So delicious! (2019.6.30)

SSK (SunnySide of Kyoto)(+95/460)

Above the station (JR Nijo railroad), beautiful blue sky was observed. (2019.6.29)

SSK (SunnySide of Kyoto)(+94/459)

I was invited to a Kyoto University Orchestra concert at Kyoto Symphony Hall. It was lovely! (2019.6.28)

SSK (SunnySide of Kyoto)(+93/458)

As the Union leader, I attended a negotiation meeting with the leader of the Doshisha governing board and presidents and headteachers of all Doshisha schools. It was nearly 11pm when all the meetings ended. (2019.6.27)

SSK (SunnySide of Kyoto)(+92/457)

I attended a all Doshisha Educational Meeting at Doshisha University. (2019.6.26)

SSK (SunnySide of Kyoto)(+91/456)

For commuting from JR Nijo railroad station to my college, I am riding a bike through the Gosho Imperial Place. It must not have changed for 100 or 200 years. Especially, I like this path. (2019.6.25)

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