
SSK (SunnySide of Kyoto)(+86/451)

Aladdin, I did not expect this movie so much, but my expectation was belied. This was an excellent and exciting musical. Seeing movies at the theater is much better than watching them on PCs. It is worth seeing movies on the theater. (2019…

SSK (SunnySide of Kyoto)(+85/450)

I attended a party if our college in Hotel Okura, which invited all the teachers, staff, and retired teachers. (2019.6.20)

SSK (SunnySide of Kyoto)(+84/449)

I tried to have a haircut once a month. Luckily, I have had a nice barber near my college. He is good. (2019.6.19)

SSK (SunnySide of Kyoto)(+83/448)

Today is our 30th wedding anniversary. I cannot believe that 30 years have passed. I clearly remember the wedding day, and the heat warming speech at the reception, though most of whom gave a speech moved to another world. (2019.6.18)

SSK (SunnySide of Kyoto)(+82/447)

On Mondays, I have classes to teach from 8:45 through 19:00, four seasons. Although it is not easy, I have felt excitement and had some discovery every time I teach. I have good students. (2019.6.17)

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