
My goals for this academic year

My goals are to enjoy, study hard, and write my graduation theses. In summer vacation, I have exam, so I have to study. I want to do my best because studying is for my dream. It is important for me to clearly separate study and play. I wan…

My recommendation in Kyoto

My recommendation in Kyoto is Japanese food restaurant Tagoto. It has long history and we can enjoy Kaiseki in that restaurant. I used to work for the restaurant. Not only food, the service is also great. Because the price is expensive, I …

My plan for summer vacation

This summer vacation is the last for us, so I want to enjoy and make wonderful memories. I am going to go oversea, do BBQ, go to the beach and so on. However, I have to go to school to practice SP and write a graduation thesis. Therefore, …

My recommendation

My recommendation is fruit sandwich. Yaoiso is close to Doshisha university. There are many people around early afternoon. However, it is worth going. A lot of fruits are used, and they are sometimes changed depends on the season. It’s fre…

My recommendation in Kyoto

My recommendation in Kyoto is Tonkatsu KYK. It’s chain stores. In Kyoto, there are two stores in Kyoto station. I went to this restaurant with my friend, who just came back from studying abroad in Canada. It had been a while since I ate to…

【July: My recommended food in Kyoto】

My recommended food in Kyoto is Nishin soba. By the time I tried it, I had worried about the fishy smell. But, in reality, it was so delicious and increase my appetite. If you have never eaten it, I recommend you to try it.京都の食べ物では…

【June: My plan for summer vacation + what’s new recently】

One of my plans for summer vacation is to have a party in my friend’s house on the day of the Lake Biwa Firework Display. We’ll wear yukata and enjoy drinking. I can’t wait!Recently, I helped an elderly woman who has a chronic disease. I c…

【May : Delicious food I recently enjoyed + what’s new recently】

The delicious food I recently enjoyed is ramen which is served in Menya Ryujin. Menya Ryujin is a ramen shop locating on the Kitaoji street. My house is near the shop, so my sister and I sometimes go there. I like Ryujin soba the best of a…

Goal of this academic year

I have three goals for this year. First is to finish my job hunting. Second is to complete my graduation thesis and sutisfying it. At last, to enjoy this year. I want to make many memeries with zemi members.今からベトナムに行ってきます!航…

Delicious food I recently enjoyed

My recommend food is ice cream. It is because this summer is very hot and I cannot stand be nothing. So I want to win this summer, I eat ice cream. Furthermore, family pack is reasonable.今年の夏は暑すぎです。京都はさらに暑いので皆さん熱中…

My recommendation

My recommendation food in Kyoto is Mitubati. My friend took me in summer and I ate bean jam shaved ice. It was very sweet and so delicious. Since then, I eat it every summer.私の京都のおすすめのグルメはみつばちです。一度友達に連れて行って…

My plan for summer vacation

My plan for summer vacation is to meet friends of junior or senior high school friends. Since I have entered in college, I could not meet them at all. This year is last summer vacation for student, so I want to make a good memory. Moreover…

Delicious food I recently enjoyed

Delicious food I recently enjoyed was yakiniku which ate with my relatives. Yakiniku was very delicious. Moreover I enjoyed time talking with my relatives. I had good time. I think meal which eat with many people than one or two makes me h…

Delicious food I recently enjoyed

I recently enjoyed pork cutlets. I work for pork cutlet restaurant, and I can eat pork cutlet without money. It’s so delicious and I tend to eat a lot. That’s why, I’m getting weight. 最近は、バイト先のまかないのとんかつをよく食べています…

My plan for summer vacation

I have three plans for summer vacation. *go to camping with my friends *take part in YOSAKOI festival in Osaka *write my graduation thesis Because this is the last summer vacation for me, I want to challenge many things!夏休みは、キャン…

My reccomendation in Kyoto

My favorite food in Kyoto is Yatsuhashi. As you know, maybe it is the most famous and popular souvenior in Kyoto, so I always buy it when I go back to my home. There are many tastes, and I reccomend you to eat the tastes of chocolate and b…

オックスフォード通信(131)Oxford University が世界一の秘密(10)図書館-2: Oxford Weston Library

オックスフォード大学図書館・Weston Library に行ってきましたボードリアンライブラリーという名前のもとに各カレッジの図書館がオンラインでつながっているのですが、その中心に位置するのがラドクリフカメラとボードリアン図書館本館及びウエストンライブ…

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