
オックスフォード通信(43)Coffee Morning

毎週水曜日10:30-11:00はCoffee Morningと称するリフレッシュタイムが設定されています。これは教育学部に関わる全教員、職員、大学院生、研究者(私はここの部類にはいります)が自由にラウンジでコーヒーが飲めるサービスです。これまで4回参加しています…

today's session(5/7) : Immigrants life and English

①VT Topic−What did you do during Golden week? Most of the students did something fun to be refreshed.②Reading words of the week 『得意冷然 失意泰然』③Presentation−"Immigrants life and English"⑤今回の論文のおさらい "Catch 22"の具体例を見つ…

Delicious food I recently enjoyed

I went back to my hometown and enjoyed spending time with my family during GW. Our family like eating outside while enjoying looking at the scenery. My father who likes DIY made the big table to do BBQ in our small garden. We did BBQ with …

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