
My Goals for This Year

There are two goals that I'd like to accomplish in this year.The first one is to carry out graduation thesis by planning. I'm going to go to high school by teaching practice next month. I'd like to learn a lot of things and get a great exp…

My goal of this academic year _(:3」z)_

It’s my first 若ゼミ日記 in this semester. As to my goal of this academic year, I cannot come up with anything except a graduation thiesis. Fortunately, I could find a theme of it that I was really interested in. Therefore, I would like to…

My goal of this year

My goal is to submit the graduation thesis completely. To achieve it, I have to write each chapter premeditatedly with the support by study group members. Of course, I want to support them.I watched ‘The Greatest Showman’ 2 weeks ago. I ha…

Goal of this academic year

There are two goals in this academic year. ・I want to finish writing a good graduation thesis. ・I want to make good memeories with my college friends. I do my best everyday.Recently, I spend time on studying teacher's examination. The te…

Goal of this academic year

I have three goals in this year. First one is to write a great graduation thesis. I set two research questions related to my English learning. Because it connects to my experience, I really want to unravel it.Second one is to enjoy teachin…

Goal of this academic year!!

I have two goals to achieve this year, especially in Wakazemi. First one is to complete graduation thesis by planning a feasible schedule, because I could not finish any step in the thesis...Second one is to collaborate with wakazemi membe…

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