
SRA (Mai)

July 3 (Day 7) ★★★★★ "Happy Birthday, Buck" (50 points) I think that the animals may be able to understand the words which human speaks to them.★★★★☆ “Perseus and Medusa” (25 points) I read the story for the first time. Myth is very intere…

SRA (Kazuho)

○June 30 (Day 7) ★★★★ "The statue of Liberty" I learned an interesting story about the statue! ★★★★ "The Windy City Blues" I felt a little nervous before leaving to the UK, but the story encouraged me. ○June 29 (Day 6) ★★★★ “What Bones Do”…

SRA 体験記(なつみ)

June 24 (Day 1)★★★★☆ I read the article titled "Driven by Belief" (50 points)It was very intereting and this story made me feel traveling around Tahiti.★★★★☆ I also read the article titled "A science of sound" (50 points) after the meeting…

こんにちは♪ 13のあかりです(*^^*)今日はすごーく楽しみにしていたゼミ合宿も台風で中止になり、どよーんってした気分で部屋のお掃除に励んでます☆さてさて…最近の私ですが… 旅行といえば、同じ13のはるちゃんと北海道にいってきましたー! 小樽では美味しい…

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